Find answers what you are looking for.
The address that lets you build a business identity on the web, like
You are the owner of the domain. The domain will be registered under your business name.
When renew is not done on time, it will only deactivate your ecommerce website. Once you renew the subscription, it is automatically reactivated.
No other hidden charges, 2% Payment Gateway processing fee on each of your successful sales.
Yes, the customer can create an account and place order,check order status,track Orders,can add wishlist.
Once you sign up with us, website will be activated instantly and you can check the status in your client login.
There is a limit on the no of products that you can upload on your web store as per the choosen plan.
There are no restrictions as to the number of categories and subcategories possible. You can add unlimited categories and subcategories on your website.
At the time of receiving an new order you shall receive an email and SMS notifying you about the new order.
Your customers shall receive an email and SMS notification on placing a successful order. The automatic email shall contain the order details that they ordered.
You can process the shipping with your own local courier partner or from our integrated shipping method and it can be updated to your customer via store admin dashboard about the shipping status.
Yes, you can fix your own charges in the store admin dashboard for COD orders, COD limit, Tax, Shipping.
Please make sure the following settings has been applied and below has image reference as well
set your nameservers to defaults
disabled all forwarding on your domain
point your domain's A Record to A @ record to the following IP address:
point your domain's next A Record to A www record to the to the IP address:
yes, if you have any questions related to how to connect your domain or any other queries please feel free to email us or you can contact through one of the the phone number listed in the website
Note: It can take 48 hours for any changes to a domain to be recognized across the internet. You can check to see if your domain is ready to start using online store you purchased
Login to admin dasboard
Check status
if it's not yet update system will show it, it's still processing
Once it's updated you will be able to start uploading products etc,.